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once we were villages


We are no longer countries, no longer villages, no longer tribes.

All of our fates, are running into one.

We are disfigured by a pandemic that has lasted a millennia – of believing ourselves entitled to desecrate our only home, of insulting our common human soul.

We are one village now.

All of our futures hang together on a few fine threads.

We are all this desert woman, apprehending unspeakable dangers ahead.

But we have wisdoms. We have strengths.

We have the fearsome weapon of love. 

Our raw humanity

Deep in the heart of what unites us, lies what can save us all.

It is there we must go.


The husband and wife team behind We Speak Your Heart are published and prize-winning writers. As well as being irretrievably in love themselves, they have a deep respect for human dignity.

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